In new and recent news Hyundai is building factories in Brazil! Let's all go down for Carnivale and marvel at the Hyundai's tooling around town. For you environmentalists out there, don't worry, they are not planning to tear down any of the rainforest to build the new plant. The picture is just for show. Their ultimate goal is squeezing out Ford which currently has 10 % of the Brazilian Market. Hyundai has 3.
According to Jesse Toprak, VP at Truecar.com, "Eighty percent of all growth in global new vehicle sales in the next five years will occur outside of the North American Market." Wow, looks like we better "plant" ourselves abroad.
Now, for the first few years Hyundai will most likely spend lots of money building up the Brazilian market and lose lots. But in the end they will prevail...I mean, look what they did in the U.S.! "Hyundai has a track record of stealthy giant killing," says Matthew DeBord author at CBS Business Network, BNET.
"So, memo to Ford: you don’t want to be number four in a market where that makes you the most obvious target, and one gunning for your spot is the Korean carmaker that could."
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